Free catalogue performance review
Our FREE review will look at the following ways to make your catalogue work harder by helping you to improve its:
- Structure and professional presentation
- Navigation and ease of use
- Design layout and styling
- Selling capability and product presentation
- Method of organisation and production
- Sales performance and returns
- Return on your marketing investment
WHY Evaluate your Catalogue’s Performance
The justification for appraising a catalogue’s effectiveness is obvious when considering the significant investment of client management time involved from project inception, briefing, product selection and organisation through to the full coordination of the completed project.
The financial cost for producing and distributing a catalogue are exactly the same regardless of whether it is badly and ineffectively laid out, or professionally produced to maximise the "off the page" sales effectiveness. The investment in achieving a harder working catalogue, delivers incremental sales and profitability, with the residual and ongoing benefit of a perceived professional publication that influences future sales from existing and potential customers.